Sounding Great!

Sounding Great!

Welcome to Sounding Great!


Part of Sounding Great is making sure your environment, gear, microphones and voice are doing the best job they can for you.

We offer a professional service that will analyze a recording you provide to us. The result will be we can determine areas in which you can improve your audio.

It may be as simple as gear recommendations, mic placement or environmental fixes to remove frequencies or other noise. We'll also call and discuss with you.

Audio Production

AUDIO and VIDEO Production

We provide a full range of professional media development services.
These include:

• Audio recording and editing

• Corporate Video (Interviews, Events, Scenarios, & Training)

• eLearning

• Writing for media

Consulting Service

For a deeper dive into Audio Production, gear recommendations, set-up of home studio and other advice going beyond the Audio Analysis request, we have our Audio Consulting service.


Whether you're a professional, a hobbyist, a video pro wanting to improve your audio or someone just starting out, we can help.